Getting more active
Getting more active
You've heard it all before - "Exercise is good for you."
But what if you dread the thought of exercise or find it difficult to get going with an activity?
There's often a disconnect between what people know and the actions they take. Along with most other people, you may know that getting active is probably the most important thing you can do to improve your health, but you quickly lose motivation when you think about jumping around at a gym in Lycra! Or else your experience has been that your body hurts or you get tired easily when you get active.
Fortunately, it doesn't have to be like that. But start by recognising that you have two sides: A logical side, that says: "Effort + Exercise = Better Health", and an emotional side, which may dread it.
You may be pulled in two directions.
But starting small and building on success will help build confidence. Visit our Move More pages to get some fresh ideas on how to do this.
Here are some ways to remove the barriers and get started today.
The Couch to 5k app is a fantastic place to start, offering you an experience that's tailored to you. Why not give it a try?
See how Mindu is keeping on top of her diabetes by dancing
"No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everyone still sitting on the couch."
Dr Mike Evans' fun video explains how just a short amount of exercise will provide huge health benefits.
EXi is a free app designed by physios to help you get active, even in your own home.